Welcome to the No. 97 Issue of Momenta Learning News on Elearning and Online Learning
E-Learning gamification is a popular buzzword within the e-learning industry. Although the appeal of e-learning gamification is high, many e-learning developers shy away from it. There’s a perception that gamification is overly complicated and technically challenging. This comes from the idea that e-learning gamification is all about creating complex games.
Books have been one of the enablers of lifelong learning that have existed since long before the Web came along, and hopefully they will remain so far into the future. I’m an avid reader. I read mostly fiction, but I break it up and indulge my passion for “edtech” by reading books about education, instructional uses of technology, and related topics.
“Nothing that happens is without effect. If you throw a stone in a pond, the universe isn’t quite the same as it was before.” – W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor’s Edge Deciding to take action in the pursuit of one’s life goals is no easy task.
As the VP of Platform & Partnerships at Instructure, I’m now leading the platform strategy for Canvas (in addition to my role in building partnerships). What does that mean? It means I’ll be even more focused on maximizing the capabilities of Canvas as an open, ecosystem-oriented learning environment.
Designing eLearning deliverables to motivate older adult learners is difficult, but can be done. There is a huge appetite from older people nowadays to learn many of the skills they never had a chance to in their youth, often as they didn’t exist.
Learn at your pace. Our eLearning courses are a great complement to instructor-led training. Targeted modules will keep skills fresh.
With mobile devices having become an essential part of our everyday lives, mobile Learning, or mLearning is fast becoming a tool to provide a learning support via their mobile devices. It is being said that mobility is the Future of Learning that makes you to learn even when you are on the move with a smartphone, tablet, iPad or e-book reader.
By training, I am a medical doctor and yet for many decades now, I have been anything but your friendly neighbourhood doctor. My work in the development sector has taken me into fields quite diverse – child labour, modern day slavery, eradication of polio, promotion of breast feeding, reducing infant mortality, HIV & AIDS, refugees and displaced people and these are just some examples.
Congrats to the class of 2016! We’ve slaved long and hard to earn those bachelor’s degrees, and now we need to decide where we will go next. Some people start to feel at a loss if they aren’t taking classes anymore, so who says it has to stop?
In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of on-demand training. In this post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of another popular training method: instructor-led training. In the learning process, nothing can truly replace the interactive experience with a live instructor.