With recent developments like the launch of Facebook’s chatbot store, Apple’s acquisition of Emotient, and the release of Viv, a virtual assistant from the founders of Siri, there’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) has started to quickly proliferate across consumer applications.
ARTIFICIAL intelligence and “zombie theories of the brain” are worth watching in the new age of digital marketing, according to experts speaking at a Southampton agency’s debut conference. Neuroscience and psychology are set to share the agenda with more conventional promotional practices at Etch’s Summer Summit today on Friday.
A new artificial intelligence being developed is reported to have emotional capabilities and is able to play the role of an actor. Researchers from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) are now developing an artificial intelligence that has the ability to express human emotions.
Must-Read: Super-smart-naturally intelligent, one might say… Jason Furman : Is This Time Different? The Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence : “I see little reason to believe that the economic impact of AI will be very different from previous technological advances…
The role of technology within our personal and professional lives continues evolving at an exceptionally fast pace. From utility-based mobile apps and wearable devices, to the emergence of augmented and virtual reality, the digital revolution is expanding to cover every aspect of the human experience.
There are two kinds of office work: the uninspiring, but necessary stuff that takes long hours to do and requires little in terms of judgement or emotional intelligence; and the creative part, which is challenging and flexes the human mind. Software bots have already started to take on some of the routine tasks.
Everywhere I turn, I seem to encounter discussions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Nasscom conference on Big Data and Analytics in June was heavily AI focused. The cover of last week’s issue of The Economist reads “March of the Machines” with a special report on AI.
Microsoft is using the video game Minecraft to help develop artificial intelligence (AI) which can complete complex tasks, and is opening up the research to the general computing public, according to a Monday announcement.
Computer intelligence will overturn everything from medicine to the stock market and the revolution is only just beginning. Artificial intelligence (AI) and a world in which machines threaten humanity’s status quo has been the preserve of science fiction for decades.
VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes: You don’t get this from the Main Stream Media: On VDARE.com, we just posted a blog detailing the appalling rape crisis unleashed on Germany by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s astounding decision to allow over a million Muslim “refugees” to enter last year.