Julio C. Castro, M.S.
My name is Julio and I am a mechanical engineer by training, I kind of fell into eLearning and instructional design by accident. But first a little about my education: I earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering then I started working as a metrologist (yes, that profession actually exists, google it).
After four years on the job I decided it was time for me to earn a higher degree, I went ahead and earned a M.S. degree from the University of Florida in Engineering Mechanics, my thesis dealt with michroelectromechanical systems (MEMS, google that too).
I decided to stay at the university teaching engineering and science courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. My first encounter with online learning and eLearning happened while I was teaching one of these courses, the college encouraged us to use the new LMS (Learning Management System, at that time Vista, later Blackboard) and I started exploring the tool, it was actually fun.
Thanks to this gig, I was able to secure a job in the online learning group that dealt with continuing education and professional development, I entered with a position of LMS support technician. My previous skills as a web programmer and computer programmer helped me during this time, and my supervisors asked me if I would like to take on producing online courses, I gladly accepted.
I saw that I needed to teach myself the principles of instructional design and eLearning. I started by reading the excellent book by Ruth Clark and Richard Meyer e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, after this one I have read other books I have listed as the must-read for aspiring instructional designers.
I have also dabble in WordPress, e-commerce, and online courses for professional certifications. I created e-commerce solutions as a side business in consulting. I have picked up many skills by using rapid authoring tools, which I list below:
- Articulate Storyline
- Lectora by Trivantis
- Camtasia Recorder and Studio
- Articulate Presenter and Quizmaker
- Dreamweaver
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Adobe Captivate
I am currently working on integrating Gamification and Games to my set of skills. Along the way, I have developed an interest in Learning Analytics and data mining for education. During those moments when I need a break from work, I spend time with my family, and I especially cherish those moments when I get to talk to my eight-year-old daughter, when she shows me her work in art and digital animation (she has a YouTube Channel). But I also love to pick up new skills and learn new knowledge during those down moments. I keep myself busy learning about other areas of research in eLearning and online learning, I am currently learning about machine learning and artificial intelligence, which are fascinating areas.
I am currently considering the idea of corporate universities and how they have evolved from programs that provided the onboarding and ongoing training for the workforce, to programs that educate and elevate people so they can achieve their personal goals. Corporations and the enterprise are forming professionals with the final goal of retaining this resource, this will achieve the company goals as well. The workplace has become an education institution that has formal curriculum and structure. I believe this is the future, or better said, the present we are living.